About us

Patron of Poland, a great
Saint and an intercessor for difficult times.

Once again in our history, we need an indomitable, exceptional patron, a patron given to us from heaven, through whose intercession we can receive so many graces – Saint Andrew Bobola. In the Encyclical of Pius XII, the only encyclical among encyclicals written by popes, and dedicated to the person of a specific saint, here Andrew Bobola, the Pope writes words that are still relevant today:

“Since Andrzej Bobola came out of their nation and not only enriched their land with the splendour of numerous virtues, but also with his martyr’s blood, he is for them a splendid adornment and pride. Let them, therefore, following his luminous example, continue to defend their homeland’s faith against all dangers, let them strive to conform their customs to Christian norms, let them firmly believe this to be the greatest glory of their homeland, if, through unwavering imitation of their ancestors’ unwavering virtue, they can achieve this, so that Poland, always faithful, will continue to be the bulwark of Christianity. For history seems to indicate, […] as a witness of the times, a light of truth […] and a teacher of life, that God has assigned this very role to the Polish nation. Let them, therefore, with a brave and constant heart, strive to fulfil this role, avoiding hostile wiles and fighting all adversities and trials with the help of God’s grace. Let them look to the reward which God promises to all those who, sparing no effort with the utmost fidelity and ardent charity, live, act and fight for the preservation and extension on earth of God’s kingdom of peace.”

Pius XII, Encyclical on St Andrew Bobola Invicti Athletae Christi.

The genesis of the creation of the portal and the idea of spreading the cult of Saint Andrew Bobola is twofold:
on the one hand, it is the result of the activity and activity of Benon Wylegala as a lay missionary; on the other hand, it is the story of the creation of the painting painted by the eminent expert in sacred art Andrzej Boja Wojtowicz.

Benon Wylegała


In November 2013, I gave up my previous professional activity in order to – as a lay person – give myself completely to the ministry of evangelisation. Since then, the mission I undertook has been and continues to be my only occupation, which I approach with full commitment, professionalism and responsibility. For some time now, there has been a thought, a deep conviction and an urge in my heart to spread the cult of St Andrew Bobola. In the middle of September 2022, in the National Sanctuary of our Saint in Warsaw on Rakowiecka Street, I officially receive the first degree relics of St. Bobola with the title of peregrination and spreading his cult in our homeland. And so begins our journey together, Bobola’s and mine. All this happens during the film evangelisation retreats or the film parish days of recollection that I lead. During one of my trips, I arrived at the studio of the eminent painter and expert in sacred art, Mr Andrzej Boja Wojtowicz, and here I asked him to paint St Andrew Bobola. With this thought and enquiry I leave master Boja Wojtowicz to continue my journey.


PLAN PRZEBIEGU filmowych rekolekcji

W ramach wsparcia dzieła Nowej Ewangelizacji pragnę przedstawić przedsięwzięcie o nazwie Filmowy Ruch Ewangelizacyjny, które powołano do istnienia 13 listopada 2013 r. W piętnastą rocznicę śmierci św. Jana Pawła II, tj. w dniu 02 kwietnia 2020r., dzieło to zostało przekształcone w Fundację.

Ideą Fundacji Filmowego Ruchu Ewangelizacyjnego jest to, by w czasie, gdy obraz ma tak ogromną siłę przekazu, ewangelizować właśnie przez FILM. Aby w pełni wykorzystać to medium jako skuteczne narzędzie do ewangelizacji, używamy profesjonalnego sprzętu, niezależnego nagłośnienia i oświetlenia. Projektor i ekran o pow. 4 x 2,70 metra dają gwarancję znakomitej jakości obrazu. Narzędzia, którymi dysponujemy, pozwalają swobodnie się przemieszczać i organizować profesjonalne projekcje również w dużych przestrzeniach sakralnych, czyli tam, gdzie szczególnie jest obecny Pan Jezus. Wszystko w celu realizacji misyjnego założenia Filmowego Ruchu Ewangelizacyjnego.

Sposób działania, jaki proponujemy, to kilkudniowe filmowe rekolekcje ewangelizacyjne lub filmowe parafialne dni skupienia, które mają miejsce podczas rekolekcji lub misji parafialnych, konferencji, kongresów eucharystycznych i innych wydarzeń ewangelizacyjnych, np. w okresie wakacyjnym, w miejscach turystycznie atrakcyjnych na terenie danej parafii bądź diecezji.

Andrzej Boj Wojtowicz


During a meeting with Benon, the question was asked whether I would undertake to paint a picture of our Great Advocate, Saint Andrew Bobola. There are many images of the saint, so how should I approach the subject? Nevertheless, I agreed and so begins my journey with the saint. While gathering materials to create the image and discussing my work, I decide to go to the saint himself, whose relics can be found in Warsaw in the church of the Jesuit Fathers on Rakowiecka Street. Heading there with my wife and Benon, I bent over for a few hours, working on creating the anatomical elements, mainly a sketch and study of the skull (link from the work done below). The process was extremely painstaking and labour-intensive. For a few hours in a cold church, lying on the glass protecting the relics, I begin the process of creating an image of Saint Andrew Bobola. Saint Andrew Bobola said: “if you pray and venerate me, I will intercede and help you”, and so the next thought and also the next stage of my work – intentions – is born. I put the intentions I asked parishioners for and a similar invitation on the Internet. The response was enormous and it took me six days to transcribe 1,000 intentions onto canvas. Six days of work and prayer for these people and their intentions. These intentions will exist as long as the painting exists, and when the prayers are gone the painting itself will pray. The first of the paintings – The Pilgrim’s Portrait, which will go to the parish of the Divine Mercy in Głogów, depicts the Saint at the end of his journey, who loved Christ more than life and was faithful to him, even at the cost of losing his life and dying a martyr’s death. Saint Andrew Bobola, does not run away from his torturers, but prays for them, admonishes them and calls them to conversion at a time when the torturers are carrying out bestial, inhuman tortures on him. How immense must have been his faith and love for Christ, how great the grace and support from heaven to be able to endure such torments, so much suffering? During the creation of the ‘Głogów’ painting, the idea of creating a series of portraits of Andrzej Bobola was also born, revealing his charisma in various contexts. Portraits of the saint located in various parts of Poland could spread the cult of the holy Advocate, thus uniting Poles in a common prayer for the Homeland building unity and love in the nation. All the works created by me have one specific goal of spreading the cult of Saint Andrew Bobola. Patron Saint of Poland from heaven.

We encourage you to join in the work of spreading the cult of Saint Andrew Bobola through his new image. On the portal you will find not only the history of the Saint himself, but also prayers, the Encyclical of Pius XII, on Saint Andrew Bobola “Invicti Athletae Christi”, the rosary with meditations and other prayers in audio version. The actor of the Polish Theatre in Bielsko-Biała, Kuba Abrahamowicz, lent his voice to the recordings.

You will also find information about meetings, pilgrimages or any related events.

Let us remember the words of the Saint:

“if you pray and venerate me, I will intercede for you and help you”.


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Polityka prywatności